Reading Christmas Tradition Returns With A New Twist For 2022

For many years, Reading area families watched the lights on the city's iconic Pagoda flash on and off on Christmas Eve to help guide Santa Claus to Pretzel City. 

Every Christmas Eve, the Reading Pagoda flashes its lights to guide Santa Claus into town. That tradition will return this year, but with a new twist, city officials say.

Every Christmas Eve, the Reading Pagoda flashes its lights to guide Santa Claus into town. That tradition will return this year, but with a new twist, city officials say.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/William Redmond

That tradition will return in 2022, but with some changes due to ongoing renovations at the Pagoda, Mayor Eddie Moran announced in a release Tuesday, Dec. 20. 

This year, Reading families are asked to blink their Christmas lights at home at 9 p.m. sharp on Saturday, Dec. 24. 

“Traditions are important to honor and pass on from generation to generation, and if there is one thing my mother taught me, it is that there is always a solution,” Mayor Moran said. "This is our way of finding a solution to keep a special tradition alive.”

Reading families will be joined by the city Fire Department, which will park a truck at the Pagoda and blink its lights as well, the mayor added. 

Members of the public are also welcome to stop by the Pagoda with flashlights and help out the firemen guide Santa to Reading. Gates will open at 8:45 p.m. and close at 9:15 p.m. 

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